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Art & Limited Edition Photographs for Sale



My Gallery
Exhibition cum Sale at IIM, Bangalore

Prints in various options available -
a) Normal photography / Poster Paper : Matte / Glossy (Economical)
b) Special photography paper with a life of about 70 yrs printed on a unique printer which prints 14 inks [normal printers print only 4 inks] : Matte / Glossy.
c) Special photography paper with a life of about 120 yrs printed on a unique printer which prints 14 inks [normal printers print only 4 inks] : Matte / Glossy.
d) Canvas / cloth based material.

Frame Options

a) Can Choose from a huge set of frames, frames include antique finish and in all colors.

b) Can choose a cloth based background.

c) Can choose a paper based background.

d) Can choose custom border space.

e) For certain photographs can also choose a certain offset to create depth and a 3D feel to the photograph.

Sizes: Any size, but dependent on the photograph and print option chosen.

Delivery: Home delivered at nominal cost.

Pricing: Again dependent on the photograph and print option chosen. Also certain factors are the uniqueness of the photograph and whether it is a one sale piece [means only one piece will be sold ever]. For corporate or commercial  deals bulk discounts will apply.

Contact: For more details and for your order email me @ -

Exhibition-Oct 2012
Exhibition cum Sale at CSI Memorial Church, Whitefield, Bangalore